Ansell PowerFlex 80-600
Product no.: 376
The English product description below may be inaccurate as it is automatically translated from the German description. We are in the process of revising the english descriptions manually. In the meantime, please contact us if you need specific information about our products.
- Natural rubber on kevlar
- Optimal solution for safe handling of glass, metal, plastics
- Excellent cut protection, high overall load capacity and optimal wearing comfort
- The shrink-coated profile of the latex coating gives the glove an exceptionally secure wet and dry grip
- Plastics industry
- Handling of flat glass, sharp-edged objects and metal plates
- Cutting of dry, painted, galvanized parts
- High load
- Size 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (length: 245-285 mm)
- yellow blue