PolyTRIX B 910 / BN 914
Product no.: 382
The English product description below may be inaccurate as it is automatically translated from the German description. We are in the process of revising the english descriptions manually. In the meantime, please contact us if you need specific information about our products.
- Polyamide, light and skin-elastic
- Elastic knit collar, breathable, seamless
- Additionally PVC nubs in the entire palm of the hand (PolyTRIX BN 914)
Scope of application:
- Packing and picking
- Easy maintenance and assembly work
- Plastic processing and laboratory work
- Handling of cardboard and plastic parts
- Paper and automotive industry
- Light load
- Size: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (length: 230-270 mm)
- Blue (PolyTRIX B 910)
- Blue / yellow, nubbed (PolyTRIX BN 914)