Martor Secunorm Multisafe '08152'
Product no.: 22
The English product description below may be inaccurate as it is automatically translated from the German description. We are in the process of revising the english descriptions manually. In the meantime, please contact us if you need specific information about our products.
Simply Heavy Metal. With trapezoid blade.
The SECUNORM MULTISAFE is an "Evergreen". Or "Everblack" to stay at the color. This is also due to the fact that it has a high degree of durability due to its straight and stable construction. Thanks to its large blade outlet, you can cut all common materials with it. Or you can retrofit your safety knife as needed - with one of our many optional blades.
Replacement blades: 502 L , 502 L BR , 501 L , Martor No. 52 , Martor No. 5232 , Martor No. 51