Martor Argentax Robust '06150'
Product no.: 46
The English product description below may be inaccurate as it is automatically translated from the German description. We are in the process of revising the english descriptions manually. In the meantime, please contact us if you need specific information about our products.
Bites through: solid rubber, leather and stencils.
The reason why the ARGENTAX ROBUST is called is obvious: you have here an extremely stable all-purpose knife made of stable aluminum die-casting, which you can use - depending on the mounted blade - in a variety of ways. In this variant, use your cutting tool preferably for solid rubber, leather and stencils. The manually retractable blade is 1.80 mm approximately three times as strong as a conventional one. Questions?
Replacement blades: Martor No. 150, Martor No. 151