Martor Secumax 564
Product no.: 464
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SECUMAX 564 No. 564001
Thumbs up - for particularly long cuts. The SECUMAX 564 is characterized by its thumb opening and an extra long edge, which also serves as an ideal support surface. This allows you to work with the safety shears not only in a highly controlled manner. You also only need a few cuts to cut cardboard, paper, foil, fabric and much more. The special grinding of the cutting edges and the rounded tips at the front guarantee maximum safety.
Thumbs up - for particularly long cuts. The SECUMAX 564 is characterized by its thumb opening and an extra long edge, which also serves as an ideal support surface. This allows you to work with the safety shears not only in a highly controlled manner. You also only need a few cuts to cut cardboard, paper, foil, fabric and much more. The special grinding of the cutting edges and the rounded tips at the front guarantee maximum safety.